Accountability Coaching
Weekly 30-minute phone sessions & text messaging as needed Monday-Friday for 4-weeks.
Tired of yo-yo dieting?
Want to be healthier and happier?
Ready to accomplish your goals in a way that’s empowering?
I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected. As we work together, we will look at how all parts of your life affect your health and happiness as a whole.
I work with my clients to get in touch with their body’s needs - mind, body, and spirit. I want to equip you with the self-awareness to make the best decisions for yourself in any given circumstance. I believe each person is fully capable of making well-informed decisions as their own expert, only you can be an expert on you.
During our 30-minute phone sessions, we will review where you are and where you want to be. We’ll create a plan for you to achieve your specific goals. As your coach, together we will explore why you are making the choices you make and how to strategically use that feedback. Together we’ll co-create your goals (health and wellness, professional, relationship, etc.). Then, we can check in with each other as needed Monday through Friday via text message during the 4-weeks to keep you motivated, accountable, and on track. I will provide suggestions to help you when you are stuck and need support.

Together we will:
• Connect the dots between who you are and who you want to be.
• Create your personal plan.
• Set your goals and work towards sustainable change.
What you get:
• Weekly 30-minute phone sessions.
• Text message support as needed Monday through Friday for 4 weeks to keep you on track and provide resources specific to your needs and goals.
Get Started Today!
Use the Contact page to schedule or
Call/Text (805) 722-4851